来源:泸州新闻网 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年02月06日
内容导读: 从建行泸州分行获悉,日前,建设银行总行和四川省分行分别作出决定,授予建行泸州分行“企业文化建设先进单位”荣誉称号。至此,建行泸州分行已成为全省建行系统内唯一获得总行、省分行“企业文化建设先进单位”两项桂冠的二级分行。
The construction bank luzhou branch won the "enterprise culture construction advanced unit" title
From the construction bank of luzhou branch, a few days ago, construction bank head office and branches in sichuan province were to make a decision, granting the construction bank luzhou branch "enterprise culture construction advanced unit" honorary title. So far, the construction bank luzhou branch has become the province in the system for the construction bank only head office, provincial branch "enterprise culture construction advanced unit" two prizes secondary branch.
It is reported, the construction bank luzhou branch in recent years seriously practice the socialist core value system of China and China construction bank "honesty, impartiality, robust, create a" core values, and actively promote humanistic culture, service culture, culture of compliance, brand culture construction, ideological and political education into solid, leading the operating performance, management scientific and standardized, team spirit, good condition for reform and development to create a good cultural atmosphere, the enterprise culture construction results in the province and even the whole country in the construction bank is particularly prominent.
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