来源:南方日报 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年02月06日
近日“建行之夜 乐动新春”中国建设银行江门市分行2013年“感谢有您”客户答谢晚会在东湖影剧院隆重举行,特邀广州交响乐团为1000多位客户奉献了一场丰富多彩、精彩纷呈的音乐盛宴。据介绍,此次音乐会是该分行继2011年“建行之夜 精品芭蕾”客户答谢会、2012年“建行之夜 唱响经典”客户答谢会后推出的又一道文化大餐。
Recently "CCB night music dynamic New Year" China construction bank jiangmen branch 2013 "thank you" customer acknowledge the party was held in east lake theaters, invited guangzhou symphony orchestra to more than 1000 customers dedicated a rich and colorful, brilliant music feast. According to introducing, this concert is the branch after 2011 "CCB night fine ballet" customer DaXieHui, 2012 "CCB night made classic" customer acknowledge launched after the meeting and a cultural feast.