来源:建设银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年03月05日
内容导读: 建设银行河北省分行营业部公司业务经营第二中心积极落实上级行2013年度工作会议精神,不遗余力地推进对铁路客户的传统产品项下的应用创新,近日终于有了新的成绩:成功为某铁路客户在已批复固贷项下签开银行承兑汇票一亿元,并跟进办理了买方付息组合型“乾元-票据理财”业务,其中:利用某制药客户资金5000万元,入建总行资产池5000万元,既实现了信贷投放,还实现了中间业务88万元的收入,施工单位也及时拿到了现金。据悉,建设银行河北省分行营业部办理的这笔业务,系河北省铁路客户首笔固贷项下的组合型票据理财产品创新应用。
China construction bank, hebei branch sales department linkage to sign a solid credit acceptance bills under one hundred million yuan
Construction bank, hebei branch sales department actively implement the superior company business operations a second center of 2013 annual work conference spirit, to spare no effort to promote railway client application under traditional product innovation, has finally had a new achievement: success in solid credit has been approved for a rail customers sign the open bank acceptance bills under one hundred million yuan, and follow up for the buyer's interest combination "of qian - paper money" business, including: take advantage of a pharmaceutical client money 50 million yuan, built into the assets of the headquarters of a pool of 50 million yuan, both the supply of credit, also implements the intermediary business income 880000 yuan, the construction units and get the cash in a timely manner. The construction bank, hebei branch sales department to handle the business, in hebei province department of railway combination under the customer's first solid credit notes financial product innovation.
In the process of doing the business, the construction bank, hebei branch sales company business the second center overcomes the time tight, customer urgent and heavy task difficult, particular way is:
1. Catch the social characteristics of capital liquidity before Spring Festival, more about the target customer service, research and marketing,
2. Working overtime, close cooperation, under the precondition of effective risk prevention, the 100 million yuan bill financing business, issued from the silver bell, bills finance contract, to submit the building of the headquarters of the financial funds in place by provincial CCB, it just 4 days time, silver bearing issue work sometimes worked late into the night at eleven o 'clock PM. In head office, provincial CCB, construction bank, hebei branch sales department - about the branch level 4 positive linkage, hard work, finally issued 100 million yuan funds in place, reassure rural migrant workers in Chinese New Year, won the customer high praise.
3. The product management department, operation department, customer department lateral support cooperate closely and USES the creation of new products for railway customer find a new breakthrough.
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